3 Things You Should Know About Obtaining an SR22 Insurance Policy

Insurance Blog

There are many reasons that you may be required to obtain SR22 insurance. Perhaps the most common relates to driving under the influence. But if you have been required to get this type of insurance policy, you probably have many questions. The following are a few things you should know.

1. SR22 insurance is technically a certificate

SR22 insurance refers to a type of policy that is provided by an insurance company for drivers who have had trouble with the law relating to their driving. Although people call the policy SR22 insurance, technically it is a certificate that states you have the insurance required under your state's laws. This certificate will be filed with the Department of Motor Vehicles for your state. Sometimes an insurance company will send this electronically to the DMV. However, depending upon the laws of your state regarding your specific infraction, you may be required to carry a hard copy with you when you are driving.

2. There is more than one type of SR22

When you need an SR22 certificate, the first thing that matters is your status is with your requirements for this certificate. For most people, you will need a certificate for insurance that covers you and the car you own. However, you may not own a car. In this case, you will need an SR22 certificate to cover driving a rental or other cars. There are also certificates for those who need both. So you need to understand that even without owning a car, you may be required to get SR22 insurance. Make sure you are getting the right coverage.

3. Insurance rates vary

You may think that this type of policy is expensive, and compared to regular insurance policies, this is correct. But you need to get several quotes. Although not every insurance company offers this type of policy, many do. For this reason, there is competition. This helps keep the prices down, even for those who need an SR22 certificate. If you already have a DUI on your record, you have already seen an increase in your insurance rates. This means you are anxious about what to expect with SR22 insurance. But rather than panic, make sure you get several quotes.

If a judge has ordered you to get SR22 coverage, you need to understand what this means. You will be required to obtain an SR22 certificate to be filed with the DMV, and you may have to carry it with you when you drive. There is more than one type of coverage for this certificate, and although it can be expensive, rates from one insurance company to another will vary, so make sure to get more than one quote.


13 January 2020

Preparing for the Future

Ten years ago, I married my best friend in a beautiful, intimate ceremony. My husband and I have been nearly inseparable and we’ve enjoyed this special time in our lives where it has been just the two of us. However, we’re finally ready to have a baby. Because I only work part-time, my husband is the primary financial provider in the family. If something ever happened to him, I wouldn’t be able to instantly support myself and a child. Because my husband worries about an uncertain future, he is considering purchasing a larger life insurance policy. On this blog, I hope you will discover the best types of life insurance policies for young parents to invest in. Enjoy!