Smart Ways To Save On Auto Insurance

Insurance Blog

Car insurance is a must-have, and you'll be happy you have one when you get involved in an accident. Still, you don't have to break the bank to get a good car insurance cover. Once you discover what influences your insurance rates, you can get the best deal to help save money.  

Check out some smart approaches you can consider to save money on auto insurance.

Improve Your Credit

In most cases, insurers consider a driver's past driving record to determine insurance costs. But your credit rating matters too. A good credit rating works to your advantage as you apply for car insurance. You should try as much as you can to maintain a high credit score. 

A study established that individuals who manage their financial affairs prudently have fewer claims. So, insurers in some states leverage credit information to determine your car insurance rates. On the other hand, massive debt, poor payment history, and a dismal credit score could inflate the cost of your auto insurance.

Fortunately, you can make an effort to improve your credit rating. First, ensure that you make timely credit card and loan payments. Also, only apply for new credit accounts when necessary, and keep your credit utilization low (below 30%).  This way, you have a better chance of enjoying better insurance terms in the future.

Raise Your Deductible

An auto insurance deductible is the money you pay out of pocket towards an insured loss (such as theft or accident). For instance, if your vehicle repair bill is $3000 and your deductible is $1000, your insurer pays only $2000 after you first pay $1000.

Generally, the higher deductible, the lower your insurance premium cost. Your insurer will consider the deductible amount to set lower premiums for your auto insurance cover.

However, most vehicle owners evade a high deductible because they're afraid they wouldn't raise it if an insured loss occurs. For your peace of mind, you can open a savings account to set aside some money that will clear the higher deductible in the event of an accident. 

Review Your Insurance Policy

Reducing your car's coverage isn't an easy call because it's unlikely that you'll accurately predict when an accident will happen. Still, if you drive an old car that's living on borrowed time, you should reconsider your coverage options. For example, comprehensive coverage may not be cost-effective for an extremely old car, so a switch to a liability-only plan will make more sense. 

To put it simply, if your car's value is less than the annual premium and the deductible combined, then comprehensive coverage isn't viable. Remember, comprehensive coverage never reimburses more than what the car is worth.

Although auto insurance is necessary, the above tips will save you money on the final cost. For more information on a suitable policy for your vehicle, talk to an automobile insurance provider. 


1 February 2022

Preparing for the Future

Ten years ago, I married my best friend in a beautiful, intimate ceremony. My husband and I have been nearly inseparable and we’ve enjoyed this special time in our lives where it has been just the two of us. However, we’re finally ready to have a baby. Because I only work part-time, my husband is the primary financial provider in the family. If something ever happened to him, I wouldn’t be able to instantly support myself and a child. Because my husband worries about an uncertain future, he is considering purchasing a larger life insurance policy. On this blog, I hope you will discover the best types of life insurance policies for young parents to invest in. Enjoy!