Auto Insurance Agent — How To Succeed In This Profession

Insurance Blog

Working as an auto insurance agent comes with a lot of perks. You get to help people insure their vehicles and thus safeguard themselves from stressful financial situations. If you want to do well as one of these agents, here are some things to remember. Understand Your Specific Roles as an Agent  There are different roles that auto insurance agents can have today. Some agents are strictly tasked with assisting current customers.

25 April 2023

Debunking Common Myths About Renters' Insurance

Insurance Blog

Renters' insurance is one of those things that often gets overlooked or neglected by most people. It's easy to think that renters' insurance isn't necessary, but the truth is it can be a valuable asset if you ever need it. Here are a few debunked myths to help clarify some common misconceptions about renters' insurance. It's Too Expensive Renters' insurance is actually quite affordable. Generally speaking, you can get coverage for just a few dollars per month.

8 March 2023

Factors That Impact Commercial Truck Insurance Costs

Insurance Blog

Although purchasing commercial truck insurance is mandatory if you use trucks in your business, it's also a prudent thing to do. This type of business insurance helps you minimize financial losses due to mishaps that may happen during trucking operations. It covers various risks, such as property damage, lost business income, and injuries to truck drivers and other injured parties.  If you're shopping for commercial truck products for your business and are concerned about the cost of acquiring them, you've come to the right place.

6 February 2023

Cyber Liability Insurance: Does Your Rideshare Company Need It?

Insurance Blog

If hackers constantly and consistently target your rising rideshare apps or computers, protect your business with cyber liability insurance now. Cyber liability insurance covers and protects your business against malware attacks, data breaches, cyber-attacks, and other types of app-based crimes. Learn why you need cyber liability insurance and how to get the coverage you need below.  Why Do You Need Cyber Liability Insurance? Many companies rely on computer apps to maintain and manage their customer accounts, employees, expenses, and finances, including rideshare companies.

22 December 2022

3 Surprising Ways To Reduce Your Homeowner's Insurance Costs

Insurance Blog

Are you in the market for a new home? Purchasing a new home can be exciting but it can also be costly. You have the new mortgage payment for the home, but there are also other costs like taxes, utilities, new furniture, and possibly even repairs. One cost you can't avoid is homeowner's insurance. Homeowner's insurance is a valuable protection tool that can cover your repair costs if your home is damaged and destroyed.

10 November 2022

What Are The Differences Between Captive And Independent Medicare Agents?

Insurance Blog

You don't have to choose Medicare plans on your own. You can get help from an insurance agent. However, before you do this, you should take time to understand how different types of agents work. For example, some agents work on a captive basis while others work independently. What's the difference between the two? Which type of agent should you use? What Is a Captive Medicare Agent? A captive Medicare agent only represents one Medicare company.

4 October 2022

The Benefits Of Adding Group Health Insurance Services In Your Company

Insurance Blog

As an employer, you want to provide your employees with appealing and useful benefits. You also want to provide these perks at costs your employees can afford.  You may prioritize offering health coverage your employees can take out for themselves and their dependents. You may provide this benefit at a more affordable cost when you invest in group health insurance services for your company. Lowering Premiums As much as you realize your employees want or need health insurance, you do not want to take financial advantage of them when offering this benefit.

31 August 2022