Home insurance can be quite expensive for some people. For example, your home insurance premiums may be higher if you live in a house that needs repairs or if you own an aggressive dog breed. Paying through the roof for home insurance premiums can definitely get pretty frustrating. However, if you make some changes, it is possible to have more affordable coverage. Here are six helpful tips for getting better home insurance premiums:
1. Increase Your Home's Security
If you live in a nice neighborhood, you may think that your house will never get burglarized and believe it is pointless to improve the security. However, plenty of houses in nice areas still get robbed. If you invest in your home's security, you will not just have peace of mind; you can also reduce your insurance premiums. For example, you could install an alarm system or add deadbolts to your doors. Your insurance company will appreciate that you are protecting your home against burglaries and may decide to lower your insurance premiums because you'll be a lower coverage risk.
2. Put Your Dog in Obedience School
The type of dog you own can have a big effect on your home insurance premiums. If your dog is considered an aggressive breed, your insurance company may charge you more money for your premiums. According to the MSPCA, insurance companies have to pay about $250 million every year because of dog bites. However, this does not necessarily mean that you have to get rid of your dog. If you put your dog in obedience school, for example, your insurance company may reduce your premiums. It is also a good idea to get your dog spayed or neutered and provide him or her with many socialization opportunities so he or she becomes accustomed to people and other dogs.
3. Check Your Credit Rating
Your credit rating can affect many aspects of your life, including what you pay for home insurance. If you have a poor credit score, insurance companies may think that you are irresponsible and that you will make more claims throughout the year. Getting your credit rating up will not be easy at first, but it can be done. For example, you can cut out some of your expenses so that you can make bigger payments on your credit card bills.
4. Think Before You Make a Claim
Home insurance is designed to protect you against the unexpected, but that does not mean you should make a claim on every little thing. If you make too many claims in a year, your insurance company may consider you a big risk and increase your premiums. If you can afford to pay the claim out of your own pocket, you should do it.
5. Do not Put Off Necessary Repairs
Home repairs can be quite pricey, so you may try putting them off as long as possible. However, if you avoid making the necessary repairs to your home, it could result in higher insurance premiums. Whether you need to update your electrical or plumbing system, do it as soon as possible.
6. Ask about Discounts
You may qualify for discounts you may not know existed. During your next meeting with your insurance agent, do not hesitate to ask him what sorts of discounts you qualify for. If you are retired, for example, you may qualify for cheaper insurance because you are at home more often and not as likely to get robbed.
Affordable home insurance does not have to be a fantasy. If you follow these helpful tips, you can qualify for cheaper home insurance premiums and save a lot of money. However, if you still can't get your home insurance down to an affordable price, you should ask an insurance agent for advice. Try speaking with a representative from a company like The Blondin Agency Inc - Nationwide Insurance.
Share1 March 2016
Ten years ago, I married my best friend in a beautiful, intimate ceremony. My husband and I have been nearly inseparable and we’ve enjoyed this special time in our lives where it has been just the two of us. However, we’re finally ready to have a baby. Because I only work part-time, my husband is the primary financial provider in the family. If something ever happened to him, I wouldn’t be able to instantly support myself and a child. Because my husband worries about an uncertain future, he is considering purchasing a larger life insurance policy. On this blog, I hope you will discover the best types of life insurance policies for young parents to invest in. Enjoy!