If you are buying your first car, you are likely very excited. There are things that you will need to do, however. Below are two of these things so you can start enjoying your new car. Get Car Insurance It is the law in most states to have car insurance. Because of this, getting insurance should be the first thing you do after buying your car. Liability insurance is available, which will only protect the other driver if the accident is your fault.
14 December 2020
Federal and state regulations require insurance professionals to stay abreast of new regulations, best practices, and statutes. If you're looking to earn your New York Insurance CEs, you need classes tailored to your busy schedule and your field of expertise. Here are some features to look for when you're evaluating New York Insurance continuing education courses. 1. Insuring for the Present Every legislative session and major natural disaster seems to precipitate modification to existing rules, regulations, statutes, and best practices.
13 November 2020
If you are looking to save some money on your car insurance, getting quotes from multiple providers is one way to do so. When it comes to getting quotes, you can get them online, with a captive insurance agent, or an independent agent or broker. There are some benefits and drawbacks to getting insurance quotes from all three sources; it is up to you to determine which source will work best for you.
14 October 2020
When you make the transition from driving for another company to becoming an owner-operator, you'll have a lot of details to address that you might not have had to deal with before. One of the most important ones is commercial truck insurance. Before you go out and buy the first policy you can find, you need to consider some of the important coverage options and details. Here are a few things that you should know about commercial truck insurance policies.
15 September 2020
Dealing with an insurance claim from beginning to end can feel like a full-time job. Whether you're dealing with home, auto or medical insurance, the claims process is complicated and time-consuming. Midway through the process, many policyholders throw up their hands and decide to just complete the process, sometimes without fully optimizing the insurance benefits they pay for. When you file an insurance claim, an adjuster gets assigned to assess the damage and determine the amount that will be paid out for coverage.
11 August 2020
Are you looking to buy a new homeowner's insurance policy? Here are a few things to think about before choosing a new policy to invest in: Can Policies Be Consolidated? If you have more than one type of insurance policy, you may be able to consolidate your policies into one contract so you are paying just one premium instead of several. Your car insurance company may offer homeowner's insurance and be willing to combine both your policies into one.
4 June 2020
When living in an area where floods happen quite often, having flood insurance is a necessity. You would not want floodwater to come pouring through your property, destroying different parts of your home. Depending on how severe the flooding ends up being, you might end up with thousands of dollars worth of damage. Paying for repairs is not cheap when flooding takes place. However, you could avoid paying for repairs after a flood if you obtain flood insurance as a safety precaution.
4 June 2020
You can lose your auto insurance coverage via two main ways: cancellation and nonrenewal. Below are some of the major differences between them. The Differences Here are the main differences between a nonrenewal and a cancellation of your auto insurance. Reasons The reasons your carrier can cancel your coverage are markedly different from the reasons it might refuse to renew your coverage. Your carrier cannot just decide to cancel your coverage; it must have a good reason for doing so.
6 February 2020
There are many reasons that you may be required to obtain SR22 insurance. Perhaps the most common relates to driving under the influence. But if you have been required to get this type of insurance policy, you probably have many questions. The following are a few things you should know. 1. SR22 insurance is technically a certificate SR22 insurance refers to a type of policy that is provided by an insurance company for drivers who have had trouble with the law relating to their driving.
13 January 2020