Little-Known Methods To Save Money On Car Insurance Premiums As A Senior Driver

Insurance Blog

As you move on into your senior years, you naturally expect that some things are going to change. However, a lot of senior citizens are surprised when they find out the added age can bring along a spike in what it costs to obtain car insurance. Older drivers can be considered a bit more of a risk to cover by some insurance companies, but there are a few little-known things you may be able to do to save on your premiums.

2 December 2018

Why Insured Motorists Shouldn't Eat While Driving

Insurance Blog

Eating and driving is a common practice, so it's not that uncommon that motorists end up in an accident in which food is involved. Eating can cause you to not pay attention to the road. If there is reason to believe that you were eating while driving, your auto insurance provider may be required to pay for your accident and medical bills rather than the other motorist.  Eating While Driving Doesn't Help Your Case 

18 October 2018

Turning 65? Three Surprising Things Medicare Won't Cover


Once a person turns 65 years of age and begins receiving Medicare, they are often surprised to learn that this federal health insurance program doesn't cover everything. This means the retiree may need to budget additional money towards their health care needs. Here's a look at three things Medicare won't be paying for you: Your Prescription Medication Upon turning the age of eligibility, you will be enrolled in Medicare, which consists of two parts.

25 August 2018

Additional Coverages You May Want To Add To Your Auto Insurance Policy

Insurance Blog

Having the right types of coverages on your car insurance policy can protect you in a lot of different ways and in a variety of different situations. If you feel like your current coverage is not enough protection, you may want to talk to an agent about bumping up the coverages you have and adding some additional types of coverages. Here are some of the additional types of coverages you might be interested in getting on your car insurance policy.

26 June 2018

Opening Your Own Business? Strategies To Help You Save Money On Your Business Insurance

Insurance Blog

If you're in the process of opening up your own business, one of the first steps you'll need to take will be to secure business insurance. Having the proper coverage will protect your investment and ensure that your business can survive emergencies such as break-ins, workers compensation claims, etc. However, you want to make sure that you don't spend too much on your insurance coverage. Here are four strategies you can use that will help you save money on your business insurance.

18 May 2018

Top 4 Benefits Of Working With A Managing General Agency

Insurance Blog

The insurance industry can be very competitive, and more and more small independent insurance agencies are looking for ways to increase profits and attract more customers. One way to do this is by becoming affiliated with a larger managing general agency. In the insurance world, a managing general agency typically has connections that allows it to offer a number of different policies through different carriers. In addition, managing general agencies often have underwriting capabilities, so they can offer unique insurance policies.

26 March 2018

3 Reasons To Get An Auto Dealer Bond Before Opening Your Car Lot

Insurance Blog

If you have decided to get into the business of selling cars, then you might be excited about opening up your car dealership as soon as possible. One step that you will need to take first, however, is getting an auto dealer bond from one of the local surety bond companies. With this type of bond, you will have to go through certain types of checks, such as a credit check, to get approved for this type of coverage.

25 February 2018

Three Ways That You Can Cut Costs Of Vehicle Ownership

Insurance Blog

If you're like most modern vehicle owners, you love the convenience provided by having your own personal vehicle -- and at the same time, you probably wish that the costs involved in vehicle ownership were lower. Fortunately, strategies exist for the average consumer to help keep the standard expenses involved in owning a car at reasonable levels. Following are three ways that you save money on vehicle related costs.  Consider Using the Mechanic Services of a Vocational School

16 January 2018